VACUETTE® TUBE 2 ml 9NC Coagulation sodium citrate 3.2% 13x75 blue cap-white ring, sandwich tube, non-ridged Pack of 50
Looking to buy VACUETTE® TUBE 2 ml 9NC Coagulation sodium citrate 3.2% 13x75 blue cap-white ring, sandwich tube, non-ridged Pack of 50? Medisave currently has VACUETTE® TUBE 2 ml 9NC Coagulation sodium citrate 3.2% 13x75 blue cap-white ring, sandwich tube, non-ridged Pack of 50 in stock, along with more from the brand GBO and a range of other Injection Infusion products ready to order in just a few clicks. Discover Medisave's full range of Injection Infusion now.