Customizable PC software for Spirometry, Oximetry and Telemedicine projects.
- FVC , VC, IVC, MVV, Bronchodilator Reversibility, Bronchial Challenge with FEV1–response curve with protocols for both Methacholine and Mannitol.
- Paediatric Incentive for Spirometry.
- Home Care and Telemedicine management.
- Quanjer 2012–GLI Predicted values with LLN and Z–score.
- Patient Trend Charts for easy follow–up.
- Search engine for instant access to data.
- Specialized and customizable Printout.
- Wide choice of communication protocols ... and more.
- 3D Oximeter® management, O2Gap Index, Sleep Desaturation Analysis , 6 Minute Walk Test, Daytime Physical Activity Report coupled with Desaturation Events.