With three models to choose from, namely the Braithwaite, Cobbett and Watson, these Stainless Steel Handles are used in conjunction with the sterile 158mm Skin Graft Blades for harvesting "Macro" or "Major" Skin Grafts. The handles have an in-built adjustable guard which can limit the maximal thickness of the graft harvested depending on the properties of the skin at the donor site. This can vary in thickness due to multiple factors including the age of the patient.
The exact thickness of the graft can also depend upon:
1) The contact angle between the blade and skin whilst harvesting;
2) The pressure applied by the operator onto the handle whilst harvesting.
These are important aspects of skin grafting technique that need to be mastered to enable reproducibly consistent harvesting of high quality split thickness skin grafts.
The Cobbett Handle (1968 J. Cobbett) offered a solution to the drag whilst still preventing the skin rolling around the guard. The guard slides to and fro but does not rotate. The Braithwaite Handle was modified by cutting a "D" section instead of a circular hole in the a guard end of one of the cam levers and grinding a corresponding flat on the side of the end of the guard. The modified handle has little drag and no tendency for the skin to roll up on the guard.
Set includes: Cobbett Handle With 2 Boxes of 10 Sterile 158mm Stainless Steel Skin Graft Blades