Why We Care
Medisave are committed to a sense of corporate social responsibility as all businesses should be but we care about our environment for more personal reasons as well.
We are located on the south coast in Dorset, with the entire setting being an AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) that all the directors of our company and most employees grew up in. Just a five minute walk from Medisave House is an RSPB nature reserve and in the other direction a sea life rescue centre, so environmental conservation is a big part of the local community. We all care deeply about these parts of our surrounding area and the other natural wonders around us for our own sakes and the sakes of future generations.
You can read some statements from our directors/employees below:
“I think it’s fantastic that communities all over the world are becoming ever more conscious of the problems affecting our environment and the future of our planet. It has become increasingly important to the buying team, to work with ethical and responsible companies who are proactively seeking new manufacturing/dispatching processes in order to reduce their carbon footprint.”
“I believe it's essential that all companies are aware of their carbon footprint and adjust the way they work to counteract issues affecting the environment. At home I work hard on reducing waste and pollution, so I'm glad Medisave and a growing number of suppliers are doing the same.”
“We are continually striving to improve and streamline our practices to reduce waste and recycle where at all possible. It is vitally important that businesses set an example both to their employees, customers and the wider community for the future of our beautiful planet. This year I am overseeing the development of a butterfly, bird and bee garden to encourage wildlife here at Medisave and will be introducing buddleia trees and hebe plants amongst others. On a personal level, I follow a plant based diet to reduce my own carbon footprint.”
Click below to go to our environmental policy.