Recommended PPE
Setting | Context | Disposable Gloves | Disposable Plastic Apron | Disposable Fluid-Repellent Coverall/Gown | Surgical Mask | Fluid-Resistant (Type IIR) Surgical Mask | Filtering Face Piece Respirator | Eye/Face Protection1 |
Any setting. | Performing an aerosol generating procedure2 on a possible or confirmed case3 |
Primary care, ambulatory care, and other non-emergency outpatient and other clinical settings e.g. optometry, dental, maternity, mental health. | Direct patient care – possible or confirmed case(s)3 (within 2 metres) |
Working in reception/communal area with possible or confirmed case(s)3 and unable to maintain 2 metres social distance6 |
Individuals own home (current place of residence) | Direct care to any member of the household where any member of the household is a possible or confirmed case3,7 |
Direct care or visit to any individuals in the extremely vulnerable group or where a member of the household is within the extremely vulnerable group undergoing shielding9 |
Home birth where any member of the household is a possible or confirmed case3,7 |
Community and social care, care home, mental health inpatients and other overnight care facilities e.g. learning disability, hospices, prison healthcare. | Facility with possible or confirmed case(s)3 – and direct resident care (within 2 metres) |
Any setting. | Collection of nasopharyngeal swab(s) |
- This may be single or reusable face/eye protection/full face visor or goggles.
- The list of aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) is included in section 8.1 at: (Note APGs are undergoing a further review at present)
- A case is any individual meeting case definition for a possible or confirmed case:
- Single use refers to disposal of PPE or decontamination of reusable items e.g. eye protection or respirator, after each patient and/or following completion of a procedure, task, or session; dispose or decontaminate reusable items after each patient contact as per Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs).
- A single session refers to a period of time where a health care worker is undertaking duties in a specific care setting/exposure environment e.g. on a ward round; providing ongoing care for inpatients. A session ends when the health care worker leaves the care setting/exposure environment. Sessional use should always be risk assessed and considered where there are high rates of hospital cases. PPE should be disposed of after each session or earlier if damaged, soiled, or uncomfortable.
- Non clinical staff should maintain 2m social distancing, through marking out a controlled distance; sessional use should always be risk assessed and considered where there are high rates of community cases.
- Initial risk assessment should take place by phone prior to entering the premises or at 2 metres social distance on entering; where the health or social care worker assesses that an individual is symptomatic with suspected/confirmed cases appropriate PPE should be put on prior to providing care.
- Risk assessed use refers to utilising PPE when there is an anticipated/likely risk of contamination with splashes, droplets or blood or body fluids.
- For explanation of shielding and definition of extremely vulnerable groups see guidance: